Given the recent lull, I'm happy to report....
I'm still in it. Actually, it's no longer a lull. It's a rut. I can make a bunch of excuses as to why I'm only putting in one or two workouts per week as opposed to my season high average of 8 (and I intend to do patient). But the bottom line is this. I've overcommitted to things that...and I'm just going to be honest here...I would much rather be doing than training.
In the last few weeks, several things have happened that have drained time and energy (I told you I'd make excuses). Kindergarten started. I've had family visit me, and I have visited my family. We switched Kindergartens two weeks into school. I've participated in setting up and selling at a huge consignment sale, I've taught three scuba classes simultaneously. My dog has been injured twice. We have school, church, swim, soccer, bible study and friends.
Oh yeah, and it rained. And rained. And rained. When one is not mentally prepared to suddenly be forced inside for a workout, one would much rather sit on the couch and watch the Emmy's...or Star Trek...or even paint drying. The thought of sitting on the bike trainer makes me want to cry.
The other issue I've had with all of the above stuff is the oppressive amount of stress I was feeling over all of it. I wasn't sleeping well, and my response to stress is to stop eating. Not good if I want to get in a decent weight workout. Feeling woozy 10 minutes in is a bad thing. For the first time in...well, ever...I've been upset about losing 5 pounds over the last 4 weeks. This was mostly finely tuned muscle (hey, why are you laughing?). For those of you who have seen me and have known me most of my life, you know this is the most trim I have ever been. That extra 5 pounds gone is a problem.
So I signed up for Training Peaks. This is an online training tool for athletes of various disciplines to keep track of their training. I also purchased an "off-season" training plan, and the author of the plan has entered tips that are specific to just me. Basically, she doesn't expect slowpoke over here to run 9 minute miles or swim faster than 1:45 per 100. This training plan currently has me doing around 7 hours a week.
Pffft. Yeah right. Last week I did 2.
Ironman Boulder is just over 10 months away. I have an intermediate goal of finishing a marathon this winter, so I should really get started on training for that. I've heard it said that there is no real off season for the endurance athlete. I can see why. My first few runs after The Lull hurt. They hurt bad. Advil is a constant companion, and in a "you know you are getting old when" moment, I realized I need to carry it with me at all times.
I know I will find my motivation. It won't be on the treadmill or on the trainer or in some bolt of lightning "a-ha" moment. It will be in the results. Results come when I finally light a fire under my butt and hit the pavement. I will eventually see the miles go by faster, I'll be able to go farther, and I will get stronger once again. It's time to find my rhythm; set my alarm for 5:00 am and just get it done. Plan my day around the training plan. 10 months is a long time...and yet it isn't.
On the plus side: today is the first day of Fall, which begins my favorite two seasons of running. I love running in cooler weather (btw, the marathon is in Phoenix. You may shake your head in wonder).
Until next time. Happy Autumn!
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